Monday, November 29, 2010


week 6 EIR class.

woo. portfolio part 1 due after term break. im only starting on the introduction now. =[
too much work to do. REPORts n reports n reports. test is next week! rmb to study peeps.


Monday, November 22, 2010

after attending week 5 tut early in the morning! , i learn about another search engine- the metacrawler search engine. which search from various other search engines such as google.

compiled information on comparison of search engines and list them down for easier writing of report.

next week gotta show a draft of part of the report! getting to work soon! =]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

after doing practical worksheet 3...

Im impressed by google search engine. I used it very often. I could research almost everything and in full details. Pictures and info on any topic is available on google.

During my participation in an online forum, i feel open talking to a stranger.

Despite that, i manage to know about alot of details about the researched topic. Useful ^^

After todays lesson. i learnt that citation and bibliography is needed after every detail we grab from the internet so as to avoid plagarism.

Second life online shopping gives me a virtual perspective of shopping online unlike ebay.
It gives me a more of a game-like shopping.
Theres alot of products available on this game. i find second life very close to going out shopping on the streets as the theres surroundings and ppl walking around.
The most challenging part about online shopping is to find similar products. and the whether its safe or not.

Monday, November 1, 2010

New S12 trivium full carbon paddle!
The purpose of the website that i have visited is to look for stuff related to dragonboating


My name is Tan Jun Wen from mechatronics (MTN).
I love dragonboating as a challenging sport, playing basketball and shopping =]
I like random nice music from different singers and enjoy watching comedies
Town or coffee houses would be mostly where i'll hang around!
I like to visit google whenever i need information ( Its a habit)

My hobby is to engage in dragonboat activities,trainings and races.
To do this hobby, other then technique,training and training is all it is. < The link shows more information about the sport and how the elites are doing.